IS OPEN GET THE CROWN This place and the time is limited Register now! Registration The best 100% online beauty pageant. Why the best? Find out here! Applicants Program Help them become an official candidate Vote now Latest candidates Quick ViewPatricia Poceiro Candidate 0 out of 5 $2 Add to cartLoading Done Quick ViewPatricia Ruurda Candidate 0 out of 5 $2 Add to cartLoading Done Statement of intents We are committed to making a competition with no barriers, transparent and professional. RULESIt has prestige, all candidates have to meet the requirements. Check them and participate Learn more PROGRAM You will meet our candidates and you will be able to vote for them. Find out how you can vote for your favorite. Program AWARDS In our pageant there are many awards! Our candidates will not leave empty-handed. Find out which ones we have. Check it out FOLLOW THE CROWN